Toy Story 3: Good, if not Great, Enough to Make A 22 Year Old Cry

Starring the Voices of… Tom Hanks and Tim Allen

Toy Story 3, a story about toys, follows a bunch of toys including Buzz, Woody, Jessie, and the Pizza Planet Aliens as they all deal with the knowledge that Andy (their owner) is leaving for college. As the movie progresses the toys believe that Andy does not want them anymore. They discover later that he still loves them. After their discovery the toys are led by Woody in an attempt to reunite with Andy before he leaves for college.

As a movie Toy Story 3 capitalized on many different things to bring out the movie’s full potential including emotional, comedic, and awesomeness value…

1) NOSTALGIA: Nostalgia is a powerful thing. It is a feeling that can keep people around, make people yearn for the past, and make people cry. In the case of the nostalgia that was forced upon viewers of Toy Story 3, it was my cousin who cried. I love my cousin and for someone of her advanced age, 22, I find her quite cool. HA, had to laugh there.

I understand her emotion though, and I will admit to choking up… until I saw my cousin crying because that was swiftly followed by me laughing. As a maturing homosapien I have begun to deal with the college process, breaking old bonds, and the plot of the movie definitely connected with me.

2) Inappropriate Jokes: The multitude of jokes not meant for children definitely made the movie funnier for adults, because they had no business in a children’s movie, and the fact that they were plain funny. What is better then a joke about Buzz’s Spanish mode? A question as to whether there are licking logs in the sandbox? Disgusting, yes, but funny.

3) Reemergence of The Claw: Nothing more needs to be written by me to explain the awesomeness of this movie then to tell you that the aliens use a gigantic crane-claw to save the rest of the toys. That is awesome!!!!!

Rating: $10 out of $12

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