Star Trek: Generations

Starring: Patrick Stewart and William Shatner

Although I do not consider myself a Star Trek geek i do recognize good movies when I’ve seen them.

Star Trek: Generations is telling the story of the valiant Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the thought-to-be-dead Captain James T. Kirk who save the galaxy from a crazed man hell-bent on achieving entrance to the galactical anomaly, the nexus, even at the costs of countless innocent lives. The nexus being the paradise — the utopia — of any person caught in it.

Of course, my nexus would be if i were the ping-pong champion of the world, and everyday for breakfast I handily defeated a single opponent. Later, around lunch, i would take care of countless enemies. Smashing my balls into their body, finishing their careers with one swing of my might paddle. Only to later retire to the comforts of my cozy rustic-styled mansion.Outfitted with a jacuzzi, hot tub, pool, pool table, ping-pong table, couches, a kitchen, a grill, a tennis court, a basketball court, lamps, chandeliers, tables, chairs, televisions, xbox360, PS3, Wii, clocks, counters, shelves, cabinets, closets, mirrors, phones, candles, plates, forks, spoons, and knives, cups, pillows, throw pillows, blankets, towels, shampoo, soap, conditioner, books, floors, ceilings, and much… much more.

Although i am sure other people’s nexus’ might be more elaborate, but i would consider mine perfect.

In any case I am still ping-pong champion in real life, but without all of the perks in my nexus.

The movie, unlike my nexus was not perfect, but it was not bad. It had good acting, plot, and comedic value. Oh, and the awesome gadgets!

Rating: $9 out of $12

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