Archive for July, 2009

Bruno. Eh… What Can I Say?

July 14, 2009

Bruno, starring Sasha Baron Cohen was not funny. It was shocking like Borat, yes. But it was not as funny or original. Like Borat there was the expected showing of male genitalia, but it was overdone in Bruno.

I know that the main character,  Bruno, is gay and that does give some warning as to the penis we will see, but i feel scarred. I would estimate 10 or 20 minutes of the 1 hour 30 minutes movie was an eyeful of penis.

While Borat was crude, Bruno was cruder and over-the-top. I –being a teenager and the primary audience– thought I would enjoy the movie. I was wrong.

Bruno was an unpleasant display of male nudity that went too far. Other jokes were made. And some were funny. I don’t want this to be perceived as an entirely negative review. I did laugh –hard– from time to time, but overall Bruno was a let down from the expectations that Borat provided viewers.

Once again… penis.

Rating: $6.50 out of $12

Ice Age: Dawn of the Failure

July 7, 2009

I thought my movie taste resembled that of a 10 year old. I thought correctly. Throughout the terror that was the 3rd –and hopefully last– Ice Age movie I counted around 11 outbursts of crying. 7 of the 11 came from 3 toddlers in the front whose parents REFUSED when asked to take them outside. Another 3 came from behind my seat. And last, the longest and most annoying came from the 10 year old seat 3 to my left.

I would estimate the child’s outburst lasted 15 minutes due to the fact that it ruined 2 scenes and part of a 3rd. Although I am confident that the tarnished scenes would have been acceptable to my heavenly teenage standards. Although I am not comparing myself to Jesus, the before mentioned scenes might have been respectable without whines for “MY CANDY!” His mother denied him his Buncha Crunch.

The movie starring the voices of Ray Romano, John Leguizamo, Denis Leary, and Queen Latifah was a bland showing compared to its previous counterparts. It lacked creativeness of any sort! I loved the 1st 2 movies, but I can comfortably say I detest this movie.

Normally I rate movies out of $12, but this movie was special. I went into this movie ANGRY! I thought that a 3D movie was the same price. Ignorant as I was, nothing angers me more than paying more than I want to. This movie will be rated out of $16.50! Not $12.

I have many complaints about 3D movies:

1) It gives me a headache

2) I became frustrated when my headache evolved into a migraine, I could not watch the movie without the 3D glasses –screen is blurry.

3) The 3D did not add ANYTHING to the movie!

Rating: $8 out of $16.50