Posts Tagged ‘Clive Owen’

The International

February 23, 2009


Two detectives try to uncover a series of illegal activities by a bank, called the IBBC. Their persistence to uncover the truth puts their own and other’s lives in danger, culminating in a very entertaining experience.


$10 out of $12


It was suspenseful. Great acting from Clive Owen and Naomi Watts, and the action sequence in the Guggenheim was ridiculous! Not only did Clive Owen take out multiple bad guys — heavily armed bad guys! He accomplishes this feat of herculean nature outnumbered, and also while carrying another character on his back. Also, the fountain of blood spurting from a very unfortunate NY policeman added to the dramatic tense experience, that was this brilliant movie. Probably the scene your mother would not approve of. The International received a $10 out of $12 because it accomplished the mission to entertain its viewers… especially me.